Thursday, May 14, 2009

Comparison of Drupal 6 with DotNetNuke (DNN) 4

At work recently I needed to make a decision about which CMS to use: Drupal or DNN. I have a fairly good knowledge of Drupal but only a very basic knowledge of DNN, so I attempted to cobble together a comparison.

Note that I've deliberately tried to avoid addressing the question of which one is "better"; each can do almost anything you need it to with the right modules, it's more of a question of how things are handled.

Anyway, I thought I'd post my results here in case they prove useful to anyone else faced with the same decision. I am not an expert user / developer in either of the products so I welcome any feedback / criticism / support / new knowledge that anyone may have to offer. I'll update the comparison to reflect various comments in order to keep it as relevant as possible.

My apologies also for the rubbish fomatting - it's basically a copy and paste from Word to save time, even though I know that copying and pasting from Word is a very, very evil thing to do to a web page!

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